Ders Programı-Yeni

Eski Ders Programı için buraya tıklayın

First Semester
Course Name Description Credit ECTS
MATH 101 Calculus I

Functions, limits, continuity, differentiation and applications, integration, fundamental theorem of calculus, techniques and applications of integration, improper integrals and series, Taylor polynomials, power series, basic transcendental functions.

4 6
CHEM 105 General Chemistry
Atomic and molecular structures, solids, liquids, gases, solutions of electrolytes (properties, acids and bases, electrochemistry), thermodynamics, thermochemistry and rates and mechanisms of reactions. Three hours of laboratory per week.
4 6
EC 101 Principles of Microeconomics
Nature, scope and methods of economics; a general view of the price system; consumer behavior; theory of the firm; illustrations and applications from the Turkish economy.
3 6
EE 101 Orientation to Electrical Engineering
Basic elements of electrical engineering: Devices, circuits, and systems. Interactions of these elements and engineering methods. Discussion of the social and ethical aspects of the engineering profession. Introduction to faculty members and research areas. General and departmental responsibilities of students. Formats, rules and conventions in technical writing. Oral and written presentation tools and techniques. Laboratory work.
3 6
MATH 201 Matrix Theory
Systems of linear equations, Gaussian elimination, matrix algebra determinants, inverse of a matrix, Cramer's rule, rank and nullity, the eigenvalue problem, introduction to linear programming.
4 5
    18 29
Second Semester
Course Name Description Credit ECTS
MATH 102 Calculus II
Functions, limits, continuity, differentiation and applications, integration, fundamental theorem of calculus, techniques and applications of integration, improper integrals and series, Taylor polynomials, power series, basic transcendental functions.
4 6
PHYS 121 Intro.Mechanics Thermodynamics 4 8
EC 102 Intro.Economics II
National income and its determination; changes in national income, elements of public finance, money and banking, international trade, macroeconomic policy, economic growth and development; illustrations and applications from the Turkish economy.
3 6
CMPE 150 Introduction to Computing
The aim of the course is twofold: To give the student literacy on computers and data processing, and to make him/her a computer user either as a programmer or as an application software package user. The course has separate components for these two aims. The first component is the weekly lecture on computer hardware, computer software, applications, computer industry and social issues. The second component is organized in terms of labs, workshops and recitations. Students follow one of two alternatives as chosen by their department: 1)Programming in a high level language such as Pascal, C or Fortran, 2)The use of a set of application software packages such as word processing, spreadsheet and data management packages.
3 5
EE 142 Digital Systems
Intro.Digital Systems
Number systems, Boolean algebra, logic networks and their simplification. Logic design with gates. Medium Scale Integration (MSI) and Large Scale Integration (LSI) technologies. Combinatorial and sequential circuits. Counter and shift registers.
2 3
    16 28
Third Semester
Course Name Description Credit ECTS
MATH 202 Differential Equations
First-order differential equations, second-order linear equations, Wronskian, change of parameters, homogeneous and non-homogeneous equations, series solutions, Laplace transform, systems of first-order linear equations, boundary value problems, Fourier series. Prerequisites: MATH 101 or MATH 132, MATH 201.
4 7
PHYS 201 Physics III
Charge and matter, the electric field, Gauss law, electrostatic potential, capacitance, current and resistance, electromotive force and circuits, the magnetic field, Ampére's law, Faraday's law, inductance, magnetic properties of matter. (One laboratory session every week.) Prerequisite: PHYS 101 or PHYS 121.
4 6
EE 201 Electrical Circuits
Circuit elements and Kirchhoffs laws. Analysis of resistive circuits. Network theorems. Solutions of linear time-invariant differential equations. Analysis of first and second order circuits. Operational Amplifiers. Sinusoidal steady-state analysis, power calculations and balanced three-phase circuits.
4 7
EE 271 Signals and Systems I
Continuous-time signals and systems, basic system properties. Linear time-invariant systems, convolution integral. Fourier series representation of periodic continuous-time signals, Fourier transform of continuous-time signals. Laplace transform. Application to electrical circuits.
3 6
HSS/HUM 101 HSS Elective / Cultural Encounters I
An interdisciplinary humanities survey, designed to introduce students to cultures east and west, ancient and modern which have, over time, impacted and interacted with their own culture, and thus to encourage critical reflection on this wider cultural heritage with emphasis on philosophy, literature, arts, political thought, science and religion.
3 6
TK 221 Turkish I
Language theories, the birth of languages and language-culture relationship. The classification of languages, with special emphasis on the Ural-Altaic language family, to which the Turkish language belongs. The study of four major areas of linguistics: phonetics, morphology, syntax and semantics. The phonetic structure of Turkish; word and sentence structure. Analysis of selected poems, essays and works of fiction.
2 3
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Fourth Semester
Course Name Description Credit ECTS
EE 214 Probability for EE
Fundamentals of probability. Random variables, probability distribution and density functions and some specific functions. Operations on one random variable: expectation, moments and transforms of random variables. Vector random variables, joint distribution and density functions. Statistical independence. Operations on multiple random variables.
3 6
PHYS 202 Physics IV
Electromagnetic oscillations, AC circuits. Maxwell's equations, electromagnetic waves, light and its propagation, reflection, refraction, geometrical optics, interference and diffraction, gratings and spectra, polarization, the particle-like properties of electromagnetic radiation: photons, Bohr model and the spectrum of the hydrogen atom.
4 6
EE 232 Electronic Devices
Semiconductor properties, Current conduction mechanisms in semiconductors, pn junctions, Operation of the pn junction diode, diode types, operation of the Bipolar Junction Transistor, Operation of the MOSFET, other transistor types.
Prerequisite: Phys 201 or consent of the instructor.
3 6
EE 272 Signals and Systems II
Discrete-time signals and systems, basic system properties. Linear time-invariant systems, convolution sum. Fourier series representation of periodic discrete-time signals, Fourier transform of discrete-time signals. Sampling. Z-transform. Discrete-time filters.
3 6
EE 244 Digital Systems Design
Hardware description languages, digital logic synthesis, computer organization, arithmetic logic, memory and control units, mini and microcomputer systems. Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGA). Laboratory Work.
3 4
TK 222 Turkish II
Practice and training in written Turkish for the purposes of exposition, description, narration and discussion. Fundamental rules, examples of punctuation and dictation. Styles of writing and composition; scientific and scholarly writing, reports and essays. The work of classical and contemporary Turkish writers. Practice in public speaking and argumentation techniques.
2 3
    18 31
Fifth Semester
Course Name Description Credit ECTS
EE 333 Electronics 1
Diode characteristics and applications. Power supplies. BJT characteristics. BJT biasing. Small-signal modeling and analysis. MOSFET characteristics and biasing. FET small-signal modeling and analysis. Multistage ampflifiers. Coupling techniques and frequency response. Differential amplifiers. High-frequency modeling of transistors.
Prerequisite: EE 201, EE 232
3 6
EE 335 Electronics Lab I
Transistor biasing. Measurement of transistor parameters. D.C. power supplies and stabilized circuits. Linear and nonlinear wave shaping.
1 2
EE 351 System Dynamics and Control
Analysis of linear control systems by differential equations and transfer function methods using Laplace transforms. Stability of closed loop systems. Routh-Hurwitz criterion, root-locus diagrams. System analysis in frequency domain. Bode, polar plots and Nichols charts. Nyquist stability criterion. Introduction to design and optimization of linear control systems, compensation techniques.
3 6
EE 363 Electromagnetic Field Theory
Vector analysis for field theory. Static electric and magnetic fields. Time varying electric and magnetic fields and Maxwell's equations.
3 6
EE 371 Communication Engineering 3 6
    15 29
Sixth Semester
Course Name Description Credit ECTS
EE 304 Energy Conversion
Energy technology and resources: Fossil fuels, nuclear, solar, and other types of energy. Three phase systems and magnetic circuits. Transformers: Ideal and physical models and equivalent circuit, and transformer testing. Electromechanical energy conversion. Efficiency and process performance. Sensors and actuators: Relays, stepper and positioning systems, switched reluctance machines, synchronous reluctance machines, direct current (DC) machines. Symmetrical alternating current (AC) synchronous machines. Symmetrical AC induction machines.
3 6
EE Specified Elective 1 3 6
EE Specified Elective 1 3 6
EE Specified Elective 2 3 6
HSS HSS Elective 3 5
HTR 312 Ata.Pr. And Hist. Of Turk. Rev. 2 3
    17 32
Seventh Semester
Course Name Description Credit ECTS
EE Departmental Elective 3 6
EE Specified Elective 1 3 6
EE Specified Elective 1 3 6
COMP Complementary Elective 3 6
COMP Complementary Elective 3 6
    15 30
Eighth Semester
Course Name Description Credit ECTS
EE 492 Project 4 8
EE Specified Elective 1 3 6
EE Specified Elective 1 3 6
COMP/HSS Complementary Elective / HSS Elective 3 5
COMP/HSS Complementary Elective / HSS Elective 3 5
    16 30
Total Credits: 136
Total ECTS: 244

1This specified elective must be chosen according to the following: 

  1. the required courses and labs (if any) of the student's selected track, 
  2. two courses from the pool courses of the student's selected track, 
  3. two courses from among the required courses (except the required labs) of the tracks that the student has not selected.


This specified elective must be an intermediate level computational engineering course and it can be one of the following:

   CmpE 160 Introduction to Object Oriented Programming,

   CmpE 210 Fundamentals of Object Oriented Programming,

   IE 201 Intermediate Programming,

   EE 342 Numerical Methods for EE or an equivalent course approved by the student's advisor.

Departmental Elective
One of the complementary elective courses in the Senior Year must be a departmental elective.

Complementary Courses (CC)

All courses offered by the departments of the Faculty of Engineering under the codes CE, CHE, CMPE, EE, IE, ME, including MS level courses (5XX), excluding orientation courses (CE 101, CHE 110, IE 120, ME 120) (except for IE 201, IE 341).

All courses offered by the departments of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences under the codes BIO, MATH, PHYS, CHEM (except CHEM 261, PHYS 111, PHYS 112, PHYS 150, PHYS  177, PHYS 290, PHYS  305, PHYS  331, PHYS 332,PHYS 481, PHYS 484, PHYS 488, PHYS 48D, PHYS 48E, PHYS 48G, PHYS 48I, PHYS 48J, PHYS 48W, PHYS 48Y, PHYS 490 and PHYS 499).
All 500-courses offered by The Institute of Biomedical Engineering (except BM 500, BM 503, BM 504, BM 511, BM 513, BM 514).
All 500-courses offered by the Institute of Environmental Sciences (except for ESC 541, ESC 545, ESC 546, ESC 547, ESC 548).
All 500-courses offered by The Kandilli Observatory and Earthquake Research Institute.
All 500-courses offered by the Department of Geophysics 
The following courses: ESC 306, ESC311
Humanities and Social Sciences (HSS) Courses
NOTICE: HUM101 (Cultural Encounters I) is an obligatory HSS course to ALL freshmen starting from Fall 2009. Should you have any questions, please contact your academic advisor as early as possible.
All courses offered by the Faculty of Arts and Sciences under the codes AL, CL, DRA, EL, FA, HIST (except HIST 202), SOC (except SOC 204 and SOC 304), PHIL, PSY (except PSY 202, PSY 206, and PSY 207), STS, the following courses from Translation and Interpreting Studies, Fine Arts, Western Languages and Literatures: TR 364, TR 412, TR 414, PA 393, AS 250, HUM 101, HUM 102, LIT 211 and LIT 212.
All courses offered by Ataturk Institute for Modern Turkish History under the code of ATA.
All sophomore or higher-level courses offered by the Faculty of Arts and Sciences under the code TKL.
The following senior-level courses offered by the School of Foreign Languages: FR 421, FR 422, GER 413, GER 414, GER 421, and GER 422.
The following courses offered by the Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences: EC 203, EC 205, EC210, EC 211, EC 310, EC 311, EC 312, EC 315, EC 411, EC 412, EC 471, EC 474, EC 482, All courses under the code POLS (except for POLS 206 and POLS 481).
The following courses offered by the department: EE483, EE 486.
Courses which can be taken only in the two CC/HSS slots besides other CC and HSS courses
The courses by the Department of Management: AD 213, AD 242, AD 311,  AD 314, AD 353, AD 351, AD 401, AD 408, AD 409, AD 418, AD 424, AD 425, AD 432, AD 440, AD 460, AD 468, AD 490.               
The following courses: EE 484, ESC 305, ESC 307, ESC 351, IE 341, PSY 271, EC 361.
The following courses offered by the Department of Linguistics: LING 101 (LING 111), LING 300, LING 302, LING 496.
All courses under the code ENG can only be taken as non-credit.