
Important !
  • It is your responsibility to find a company for practical training.
  • You MUST be insured by Boğaziçi University for your training. Otherwise your training will NOT be valid. This is due to state regulations. You should bring your training declaration form  on the LAST day of the final examination period before your training.
  • All stamps MUST be the company’s or institutions stamp.

Each  Boğaziçi University EE student must complete a minimum of 60 working days of "In-Service" industry training, in order to obtain the EE BSc. degree.


Before Going to the training site

1. Please read all the documents about training, that is, the  FAQ about Training, and the In-Service Training By-Laws.

2. Fill in the training declaration form, and the insurance form, have it signed by your training advisor by the starting date of the final exams (for this step fill in the forms and leave them in Figen Hüners Office, after approval, take the form and use it for insurance formalities).

3. Get the “Trainee Evaluation Form (Staj Sicil Belgesi)” from the office of the Dean of Engineering. Some companies may request a letter informing that you have to complete 60 days of practical training. This letter can also be obtained from the office of the Dean of Engineering. It can also be obtained from Figen Hüner.

4. Download the training booklet and take it to the training site with you. The booklet must be from the website of the Dean of Engineering. NO other format is accepted.

5. Download the training completion form and take it to the training site with you.

6. If you are paid for the training you must prepare FON Katkısı 1, FON Katkısı 2 and the receipt of payment; if not, you must prepare only FON Katkısı 1. Download these forms.

FON Katkısı 1

FON Katkısı 2

During the work and before leaving the training site

1. The Diary part of the training booklet must be written daily at the training site while working and it must be concise (no more than three sentences allowed daily). Each page of the diary should contain an account of several working days.

2. The 1st page and the weekly program pages of the Training booklet, the “Trainee Evaluation Form (Staj Sicil Belgesi)” and the training completion form must be signed by your supervisor and stamped by your company.


When you come back to the university

1. Deliver the training booklet, the “Trainee Evaluation Form (Staj Sicil Belgesi)”  to Figen Hüners office within the first month of the semester. You must submit not only the printed version of your booklet but ALSO the electronic form (computer file) of the booklet in Microsoft Word Format BEFORE you submit your training documents. The booklet file must be sent to the email address: (use filename as: SurnameNameX-Year; where X is equal to 1 if it is your first training etc..)

2. The training completion form (staj tamamlama formu), which must then be submitted to the university's accounting office within the first month of the next semester.


FAQ about Training

In-Service Training By-Laws

Training Advisor: Oğuzhan Çiçekoğlu