From the chair

A Welcoming Message from the Chairman
Welcome to the site of the Electrical and Electronics Engineering Department of Bogazici University (BUEE). BUEE is one of the best institutions in Turkey with the vision to provide its students with a world-class undergraduate education, to prepare them for successful professional careers in the international arena, and to form the top-rated research-oriented graduate school.
Briefly we can state our values, our vision, and our mission as follows:
Our values:
  • Open to dialog with students 
  • Top standards in research-oriented education
  • Conscious of ethical principles
  • Aware of service to society 
  • Protective of academic freedoms 
  • Environmentally concerned
  • Participatory in administration and academics
  • Tolerant to co-existence of diverse values
Our vision:
   • Our goal is to be a world class teaching and research university. 
   • To educate generations of well-formed EE students that can operate anywhere in the world, from private to governmental institutions and assume leadership positions
   •  To raise them so that they can contribute significantly to the technology, science, generate creative ideas and serve the society.
Our mission:
  • To give the EE students a broad education consisting of a solid technical background and appropriate analytical skills needed for successful professional careers;
  • To educate individuals for careers of leadership and innovation in industry, government and educational institutions  in increasingly more global working environments
  • To expand the engineering knowledge base through original research; 
  • To contribute, through professional services, towards a more prosperous and sustainable society.
  • To provide opportunities to learn about and appreciate the importance of ethical, societal, and ecological implications of engineering