Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) and Answers about your Training

About the time and duration of your training
Q1)  What is the minimum number of training days to be completed?
A1) The minimum number of practical training days to be completed is 60 working days as a requirement to obtain Boğaziçi-EE BSc. degree.

Q2) How many days of training may be completed in a company?
A2) The minimum number of training days at one organization is 15 working days. The total of 60 days may not be completed at a single organization. A student must work at two or more different companies.

Q3) What are the periods allowed for training?
A3) Basically, you can work as a trainee in the summer and winter breaks. The students cannot make a request to work in fall and spring semesters or in corresponding final examination periods. You can work as a trainee on weekdays and Saturdays, but not on Sundays. You cannot work on religious and national holidays.

Q4) Can I work as a trainee in the Summer School period?
A4) Practical training is a full-time job.

About your training site/company
Q1) Where can I do my training?
A1) The organizations employing at least one electrical engineer, manufacturing or designing electrical or electronic equipments or manufacturing other goods but having Electrical/Electronics Workshops or Labs, are acceptable for training. In addition, the software companies dealing with electronics, communication or control business are also acceptable. The subject of your training must be normally about electronics, communication or control.

Q2) Which organizations are not acceptable for training?
A2) "The main objective of the practical training is to provide the students with practical, technological, as well as managerial experience trough personal contact in engineering and industrial organizations". Therefore training at universities or at the scientific research labs are not acceptable. (Some exceptions are well known scientific institutions in the world).

The training at small repair workshops (even if it employs an electrical engineer) is not acceptable.
The software companies dealing only with commercial and economic business are not acceptable.

Q3)  How can I find a suitable organization for training?
A3) Students can find a list of possible organizations in the department’s training billboard. Students are encouraged to find the training companies themselves.

What to do and consider during your training:
Q1) How do I fill in my training booklet?
A1) First of all, you have to realize that you are writing a DIARY, not a summary of a book or manual. Therefore, in the diary, you have to explain “WHAT YOU HAVE DONE” in a maximum of three sentences per day. Do not write one diary page per day. Make sure you include an account of several working days per page of the diary.

Note that you should give a detailed description of your work in your “GENERAL REPORT”. In other words, any description of theoretical and practical aspects of the work done should be in the “GENERAL REPORT” part of the training booklet. You may cite sections for your general report in your diary.

The diary part of your booklet should be written during your training. You may choose to write the general report later.

Do NOT summarize a manual or a book/data sheet /specification sheet neither in the diary part nor in the general report part of your training booklet.
Evaluation of the training in the “GENERAL REPORT” part is another common mistake. You have to write such an evaluation in the “TRAINING EVALUATION FORM”. For other details you may refer to In-Service-Training By-Laws.

Q2) How long should be my GENERAL REPORT?
A2) The GENERAL REPORT should have approximately a minimum of one handwritten page for every 3 training days completed. Alternatively, if you write your GENERAL REPORT in Microsoft Word format, there should be a minimum of 500 words for every 3 training days. Therefore
--If you completed 15 training days, your GENERAL REPORT must be a minimum of 5 handwritten pages or a minimum of 2500 words.
--If you completed 20 or more training days, your GENERAL REPORT must be a minimum of 7 handwritten pages or a minimum of 3500 words.
IMPORTANT NOTE: If you write your GENERAL REPORT in electronic format, you must submit not only the printed version of your booklet but ALSO the electronic form (computer file) of your general report in Microsoft Word Format BEFORE you submit your training documents. The general report file must be sent to the email address announced.

Q3) What about the stamps (kaşe) and the approval signatures over the training documents?
A3) The training certificate (staj sicil formu) and the training completion form must be signed and stamped. The first page and the weekly programs must also be signed and stamped. The other pages (diary) and working documentation (print-out, etc.) will not be signed and stamped. All stamps MUST be the company’s or institution’s stamp.

Q4) Can I hand in the training certificate personally together with other documents?
A4) Yes. But, it must be in a closed envelope and the envelope must be sealed at the training site.

What you should do after your training:
Q1) When is the deadline to hand the training documents in?
A1) The deadline to hand the training reports in is one calendar month after the beginning day of the following semester.

Q2) What happens if I cannot hand in until the deadline?
A2) You must submit all documents until the deadline.

Q3) Where do I have to hand my documents in?
A3) The documments are collected by Figen Hüner.

Important Note about Submission: There is a LIST that you have to sign while submitting your documents. IF YOU DO NOT SIGN THIS LIST THEN YOUR TRAINING WILL NOT BE EVALUATED. Therefore:
-- Do NOT submit your documents to someone else.
-- Do NOT submit your documents without signing the list.
-- Submit your documents personally. That is, do NOT slide them under the door

Q4) What are the documents to hand in?
A4) You have to hand in:
-- The training booklet (staj defteri),
-- The training completion form (staj tamamlama formu), which must then be submitted to the university’s accounting office.
-- The training certificate (staj sicil formu). This certificate must be signed and stamped. It can be sent by the employer to the department, by post or may be handed to you in a sealed envelope.
-- The documentation about the work done (print-out of the programs, manuals that you have written, etc.)

--Fon documents (everybody will deliver these documents, however if the training was abroad no need for Fon documents.)

Q5) Can I hand in the training certificate personally together with other documents?
A5) Yes. But, it must be in a closed envelope and the envelope must be sealed at the training site.

Contact person for further information:
Q) Who is the person to ask further questions?
A) You can ask academic questions to your training advisor. Administrative questions (about the documents) can be asked to Figen Hüner.