Minor Programs -Old

Faculty of Engineering minor program applications will be made to the Dean’s office between the announced dates. Applicants must have a minimum GPA of 2.75. Application packet consists of an application form (to be obtained from the Dean’s office) and an official transcript.
Faculty of Engineering offers the following minor programs: Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Operations Research – Industrial Engineering, and Production and Service Systems – Industrial Engineering.
Bogazici University Minor Program Rules and Regulations can be accessed at http://boun.edu.tr/tr-TR/Content/Ogrenciler/Ogrenci_Isleri/Yonetmelik_ve_Ic_Tuzukler/Yandal_Yonergesi.aspx (in Turkish).
The Electrical and Electronics Engineering Minor Program offered by our department:
Total credits: 4 compulsory courses (13 credits) + 2 elective courses (5-8 credits)
Compulsory courses:
EE202* (4)
EE333 (3)
EE352 (3)
EE373 (4)
Elective courses (two courses must be chosen):
EE 334 (4)
EE 142 (2)
EE 374 (4)
EE 304 (3)
 *The prerequisite for EE 202  can be satisfied with EE 201 or EE 210.