Electronics Laboratory

Related Classes: EE335 (Electronics Lab-I), EE336 (Electronics Lab-II) and EE439 (Electronics Lab-III)
* 12 Tektronix TDS-2002B 60 MHz Digital Storage Oscilloscope.
* 15 Hameg HM-8030-6 15 MHz Function Generator
* 15 Hameg HM-8012 Multimeter
* 13 Hamge HM-7042/3 32V, 0.5A DC power supply
* 12 Hameg HM-203-7 20 MHz Analog oscilloscope
* Electronic test benches and bread boards
Electronics laboratory is the undergraduate laboratory where the juniors perform basic electronic experiments in the scope of EE 335 and EE 336 courses and the seniors find opportunity to work with more specialized circuits as part of EE 439 course. It is equipped properly according to a schedule that extends from acquiring knowledge and skills about practical working principles of passive and active components and developing the ability to use measuring instruments and techniques effectively, towards learning selected integrated circuits and basic electronic circuit building blocks and having the opportunity to experience specialized electronic circuits designed for particular jobs. All the equipment has been renewed and the students are provided with the means to work both with conventional analog devices and with more contemporary digital instruments.
Particularly for the students who select the electronics option in the fourth year, this is a laboratory that gives opportunity to work individually, with the desired equipment, and without time constraint; thereby providing a free environment in the direction of the will and interest of the student. Besides the laboratory courses mentioned above, it merrily hosts the circuit design and implementation experiments performed as part of term homeworks (e.g. in EE 437 and EE 438), graduation projects (EE 491, EE 492) and graduate studies.
In a separate room within the laboratory, tools such as PCB cutter, mechanic drill, etc. are also available, which provides the necessary means for those who want to produce his/her own PCB board and finalize his/her design including boxing.
Its door is open any time within working hours to every student who wants to experiment more. In order to prepare our students for the professional life, whether academic or industrial, we cooperate with them by providing a positive communication.